Tuesday 14 May 2013

Back to base camp

I found myself back at base camp after catching a virus. Heading off last week I had a slightly dodgy stomach. As you do out here, I tried to ignore it and just carry on; 2 emergency stops in the icefall should of been a sign to turn around but no, me being me, I carried on.

Hot sweats and chills were more tell tell signs, but I slowly, very slowly made my way to camp 1. I rehydrated with a few energy gels and I slogged my way to camp 2. This was the hardest slog of my life, every step sapping more and more energy out of me. On arrival at camp 2, I managed to eat a bit of food, before crashing out in the tent for the evening.

I should of turned around with the first signs of an upset stomach. The next day was spent in the tent feeling lethargic, like you can't imagine. Also the muscle deteriorating at camp 2 not eating a lot was fast.

I decided to head back to base camp and see if I could recover. I needed to eat, hydrate and rest and hopefully find it in me to go for the summit.

I'll be honest, this virus or what ever it is has hit me for six and I feel weak. Fingers crossed a few days of R&R and I'll be able to make an attempt of the summit.

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